
Waiting for life.

Sticky, gooey, smelly mud.


A big dead end.

Plop, more mud.

Everywhere I go is MUD.

Plain, boring mud.

Waiting for life.


The Saddest Story

October 11, 2014

We had to let go of our cat that was twenty years old.  She was in pain, and she could not walk.  Her name was Rose, and she could not turn around anymore.  I did not like that day to let go of our cat.  “I love her,” I told my parents in a very sad voice.  Then my dad went alone to the vet to put down our cat.  Tears.

My Wonderful Casey!

Would you like to know more about my dog Casey?  Casey likes to be held.  Casey is very playful and likes to get rubbed on her belly.  She looks so cute when her ears flop up.

You can tell Casey to sit, stay, and come.  She will bite your hand though, so don’t wear a dress or anything flowy.  Casey likes to eat Purina Puppy Chow.  Casey almost knows fetch and shake.  Casey weighs about twenty pounds.  She likes her bones and treats.  She likes to go in the woods and the field.  She tries to jump into our pond.  Yuck!

Don’t hold Casy by the back or else she will bite you.  She already outgrew her water bowl.  Casey eats pine cones, cat food, plants, trash, and books.  Casey is crazy and silly!  Casey is the craziest in the morning.  She loves new people and kids.

One time she got under our new chair, and my dad dropped it on my puppy’s paw, and she went, “Mmmmm, mmm!  Mmmm, mmmm!”  My mom picked her up, and I helped my mom calm her down.  My mom was heartbroken.  The next day she was limping, and she was wobbly.  She tried to jump onto the old chair and made it!  She fell asleep on my dad’s lap and was so, so, so cute!  We had to pick her up so she did not have to walk on her poor paw.  She looked at us, and it was like she was saying, “I am so cute.  Don’t you think that?”

We put her in the car, and she fell asleep.  She was so, so, so cute and cuddly.  She slept the whole ride.  She is the cutest when she yawns.  I love Casey.