Casey’s New Toy

My mom bought Casey a new rope, and she tore it apart into pieces. Then Casey took the pieces, sat on the couch, and chewed on them, forever, and ever. Next she took one outside and buried it. Then she dug it up and sat on the couch and chewed.

The next day I took the ropes and tied them in a big knot. Casey acted like it was a new rope.


Bad Dog Casey!!!!Bad Dog Casey

January Adventure!!!!!!

One day we took Casey for a walk…………

It was a regular day.

“Caaaaaaaaaasseeeey! Where are youuuuuuuuuuuuu?”

“Bark, bark.”

We had no idea where she was.

Except that we knew she would never leave home.  When we got home, we saw Casey right on the stairs.

“Casey, why didn’t you come”

Then she looked down at a chewed up garden hose.

“Bad dog, Casey!  You get no treats.”

Mission: Ice Cream Flavor Maker

Well, Ben and I wanted to make our own ice cream flavors, so my mom told us how to make ice cream…….

First, you mix vanilla with any food coloring you like.

Then, you microwave chocolate or something.

Then you mix it with the ice cream.

Then you mix until smooth,

Last, you dig in.